Can you imagine a play center that encourages children to put down their devices and explore the real world whilst keeping them engaged in a fun manner? Well, let me introduce you to Playsy.
“The Playsy Experience” consists of two parts; the real-world, the Playsy town and the digital world, the virtual playsy app. Both are designed to encourage and enhance children’s exploration of the real world. Working together the two worlds are linked through the meta learning system. Technology is used as a tool, not a form of entertainment, inspiring wholesome children.
Meta Learning first described in 1979, is the theory of learning how to learn,
Playsy’s Meta Learning System is based on the meta learning theory, reintroduced by Silicon Valley’s research into the development of what children need to succeed in their future jobs. Playsy’s meta learning approach is helping advance the way children are learning while supporting the transition of the current learning system to the fast-moving times of our inter-connected technological life.
Introducing the Future
Playsy’s Meta Learning System is based on the meta learning theory, reintroduced by Silicon Valley’s research into the development of what children need to succeed in their future jobs. Playsy’s meta learning approach is helping advance the way children are learning while supporting the transition of the current learning system to the fast-moving times of our inter-connected technological life.
"Examine the sick cat"
"Pay your electricity bill at the bank"
"Organize a fashion show"